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What is Deprescribing?

3 pills evolving to being crushed
@ADragangettyimages via

The Deprescribing Clinic was started because I would repeatedly see patients on too many medications. Medications that were counter-acting each other. Medications that were meant for short-term use but had been continued long-term. Medications that would increase a person’s risk for falls and hospitalizations. Medications that were causing side effects. It is common to see a nursing home patient on 20+ medications. I wondered if that patient had only been taking five medications, would they still have ended up in the hospital and nursing home?

What is deprescribing?

a person holding 2 pills and a glass of water
@shironosovgettyimages via

Deprescribing is when medications are carefully stopped or reduced with the goal of increasing your quality of life. Deprescribing helps to avoid side effects, falls, and hospitalizations. Deprescribing decreases your medication burden and saves you money on prescriptions.

Doctor consulting an elderly patient about medications
@AlexRathsgettyimages via

Deprescribing should be done carefully under the supervision of your provider. The benefit and risk of each medication should be assessed as well as your goals, health status, and potential drug interactions. Then medications that are no longer necessary or potentially harmful are carefully tapered and discontinued while being monitored by your provider.

Your provider is busy. Patients are scheduled back-to-back with little time to discuss medications. That is where I can help. Let’s sit down and discuss your medications and health goals. Then I can produce a deprescribing action plan to take to your provider.


We have an over-prescribing problem. The solution is deprescribing. Call today if you are ready to decrease your medication load and work toward your health goals.

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