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Too Many Medications & Your Genetics


Updated: Oct 13, 2023

handful of medications and a glass of water
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What does taking too many medications have to do with your genetics?

Well, quite a bit actually. But first, how many medications is too many?

Polypharmacy, or the use of multiple medications, is typically defined as taking five or more medications.1 When you take five or more medications per day it puts you at risk for side effects, falls, and increased clinic visits and hospitalizations.¹

Doctor with patient consulation
@studioroman via

The threshold of five or more medications does not consider the appropriateness of your medications. I have many patients who are taking seven medications and I am not concerned because the person has multiple disease states, and their provider chose medications appropriately. On the other hand, I have patients who only take three medications but they are potentially inappropriate medications and so I am more concerned about that patient than the patient taking seven medications.

What role does genetics play in this?

Blue DNA helix
@Jusungettyimages via

Your genetics can help us identify which medications will be the most effective for you and which medications have a higher risk for causing side effects. What if you could take one medication for blood pressure instead of three? What if we found a medication for your anxiety that would be more effective than the two medications you are currently taking? In the process, understanding your pharmacogenetics can help us minimize side effects.

Think of going to work. Have you ever worked with a real go-getter?

A person with exceptional dedication and efficiency, accomplishing a workload equivalent to that of three of your other coworkers combined. That is the goal with pharmacogenomics or testing your pharmacy genetics. Instead of having to take multiple medications for one disease state, our goal is to eliminate the need for multiple medications and simply your medication regimen by finding which medications are your go-getters!


Your genetics can play a pivotal role in your well-being. Embrace the potential of pharmacogenomics to optimize your medication routine and minimize complications. Start your journey towards better health today!


  1. ANNE D. HALLI-TIERNEY, MD, CATHERINE SCARBROUGH, MD, MSc, AND DANA CARROLL, PharmD, 2019, "Polypharmacy: Evaluating Risks and Deprescribing" AAFP, Accessed 6 October 2023, <>.

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